Our Financial Clarity program will provide a roadmap for women who want to create their own powerful wealth mindset and build financial TRANSFORMATION.

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You have your own unique story.

My program revolves solely around your needs and priorities. Together, we will craft a customized roadmap tailored to where you are, ensuring that our efforts are directed precisely where they hold the most significance to you.

Let’s Transform Your Wealth Mindset and Create Financial Peace

Kerry L.

“I went through a divorce while having two small children. I had purchased a home right after my divorce and it was during the recession. I also needed to find a job. Needless to say, I put myself in debt and I didn’t know how to keep my head above water. Thank you to Kathy for being able to coach me on my finances. Taking the time to explain and educate me with my financial responsibilities has helped increase my confidence. If it wasn’t for Kathy, I would be still be stuck on a wheel going nowhere with my debt.”

You are destined to never feel financially insecure again.

Did you think your life was planned out and headed in a certain direction?

But now you feel overwhelmed, confused, judged, stressed because you can’t get a handle on your money?

You are not alone!

Life events can kick us in the butt. Through my 30- day Financial Clarity Coaching Program for Solo Women, we explore-

  • Financial motivations

  • Money behaviors & attitudes

  • Past money experiences and

  • Your wealth mindset

Once you build a powerful wealth mindset, we can create your path forward:

  • Isolating your financial obstacles

  • Celebrating your financial strengths

  • Shaping your healthy relationship with money and

  • Making great money decisions to secure your future

We all experience storms in our lives, some just impact our money in a more significant way. Once you decide to go through the storm, all you want to know is that you will be okay and that no other life storm will break you again.

It is my mission to help more women-divorced or widowed, partnered or not, who want to build their OWN wealth mindset, gain financial skills and confidence so they are assured no storm will derail them and their feeling of financial insecurity.

Storms can be beautiful. I want you to enjoy them, learn from them, and believe you have control of them and your wealth.

“Kathy helped me see that I do have a lot of strengths when it comes to money management.”


“Working with Kathy was such a wonderful and positive experience! She helped me understand my spending habits, relationship to money and financial concepts with ease and in ways that made sense to me. She always boosted my confidence and helped me see that I do have a lot of strengths when it comes to money management, even though initially I didn’t feel like I did. Owning several businesses can be overwhelming, but Kathy helped me to break down the bigger financial picture into more manageable pieces. I highly recommend working with Kathy.”

Book your complimentary consultation call today!

Get started with Kathy, today!